Pride of the Irish

Today, the OH and I went into Dublin city centre as we normally do on a Saturday. It was a typical Irish summer's day - the weather was oscillating wildly from driving rain and howling wind to bright sunshine. Not a huge surprise there. We were going to go see a movie, but we encountered something else that diverted our attention - The Irish Gay Pride Parade.

Shiny Happy Peoples

I have to say that it is without doubt the best parade I have ever seen. The happiness was infectious - it's hard to imagine how gay people stay so positive and happy when you consider all the crap they have to put up with from people who disapprove of their lifestyle because their big book of stories tells them to. There were so many beautiful men and women there representing every part of the spectrum. Human sexuality is so complicated, and occasionally I find myself struggling to get my head around the many different "flavours", but what other people do in the comfort of their own homes is no business of mine. Or anyone else's business for that matter.

     It took me a while to realise that he came as a fairy!

 The biggest flag I have ever seen

 Check out the blushing bride working the pole

 Honk! Honk! Honk!

 These guys rocked

 I wish I looked this good in a dress. Lookit those legs - they go on forever

 Beauty Queen

 Miss Panti  rocking the 70's housewife look

 Representatives from 16 police forces around the world marched in the parade this year. The police force of the the hosting country were not allowed to march in uniform however. I think we a little ways to go yet...

 Pretty in Pink

Gurl! Where did you get those shoes?

Even our furry friends came out to lend their support


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